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Writer: Garrett ButtsGarrett Butts

Unfortunately, there’s no good way to share sound effects in writing, but if there was, I’d introduce this blog with a biiiiiig ol’ exhale!! Nonetheless, summer is very much over, fall is rolling right along, winter fast approaches, school is back in session, the pre-race-training season is quickly ticking away and THE BLOG IS BACK. 

Now, typically I’d give a bit of a life update, followed by a training update, some things I’ve learned and pinpoint a thing or two for further discussion. Today we’re gonna keep it short and sweet on the life part and dive into the meat of it.

Since the last time of writing, (practically the beginning of the season) looooots of life has happened, to say the least. Highlights include going home to CO for a short month in June/July, dip netting for salmon in July, caribou hunting in August and moose hunting in September. No hunts were successful, but they were a blast. Maybe the biggest takeaway is that I’m sure when I’m 75 years old and look back at the summer of 2024, it will undoubtedly go down as one of the most impactful periods of my entire life.  Lots of character building you might say. Anyways, I digress. :) 

Training: Training, training, training. Sometimes it goes well, and sometimes it doesn’t. I started off the training year strong. The first 2 blocks were pretty seamless, the next 2 blocks were pretty rough, and now here we are at the end of the 6th block, getting back on step and mannn does it feel good. After a summer of “building up the base” this last block had a heavier focus on intervals and higher intensity. It was fun. Given how the summer had gone, I had pretty low expectations and long story short, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how the last couple of blocks have gone while remaining intact while doing so. At least intact enough. 

So what happens when things fall apart? Sometimes you can have the best laid plans, and every intention on executing said plan, and life comes along and promptly makes a mess of it all. That said, this is what I want to discuss today: adapting training when stressors in life are taking their toll on you. It’s quite simple really. There has to be a major give and take. I like to think of it as a major tug of war between your mind, body and spirit. When one of those goes down it puts a higher strain on the other two. Sometimes they even take shifts to compensate for each other and eventually they all get so drained they go into overdrive. Then, if something doesn’t change quickly and drastically it can implode spectacularly. Maybe the best advice I can give is to disengage with training by a substantial amount, and face the problem head on. It can be great and all to try to distract yourself from the problem and use various outlets like training to escape, but that only postpones reality. You can sweep the dirt under the rug but that doesn’t mean it's gone. Major life adjustments can be hard to make and hard to recognize in the first place. When you come up against these obstacles, pull  back on the reins and give yourself a chance to fight the fight’s that really matter. Or don't. ;) Sometimes learning the hard way is the only way. Just because we have eyes and ears doesn't mean we can see or hear. Just know, it’s easier to start again from 0 than trying to come back from the depths.

On a more positive note, I’m now in the lower 48 for a 3 week altitude block and quick trip home. Generally during Aug/Sep the weather up in AK is a bit more wet and rainy and by this time of year I am ready and in much need of some sunshine. This fall however, it has been downright pleasant! I don't even remember the last time I trained in the rain! Nonetheless, I’m looking forward to putting down a solid couple of weeks to round out the “training year,” get some sun and enough of a tan to last me through the winter. ;) Things are generally looking up, and I’m already excited about what the season holds. Stay tuned, the blogs will be coming thick and fast in no time at all.

Until next time,

Garrett Butts



"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

"Conceive, believe, achieve."

"Gotta do what you gotta do to get to where you want to be."

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