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The first of the new season + fun news. :)

Writer: Garrett ButtsGarrett Butts

Hey there sports fans! Things have been happening thick and fast these days since the season ended and aren’t forecasted to slow down any time soon! So here’s the recap, pre-cap, general early season thoughts and some cool news for you, so hang tight!

Post race season I took 2 weeks almost completely off, logging 2 of my smallest training weeks since I started keeping a log! ( a while ago) I really just needed some time away to get the mind and body rested & reset and  for sure, it was the right call. After that, I progressively built back my training so that I wasn’t completely out of shape when the new season rolled around. I was able to take advantage of some fantastic crust skiing, backcountry skiing and make the most of the late XC grooming in town.

Currently, I’ve just finished up my first 4 week block of the new training year which I feel was quite successful and am now diving into the 2nd block! I was able to start building in some dry land modalities (running, biking, roller skiing) while also keeping the volume up with snow skiing. I find this to be really beneficial because it allows you to gradually build into these different training modes  while maintaining a volume that you wouldn't otherwise accomplish without risking potential injury. For me that might look like tendonitis in my elbows from roller skiing or super tight  calves from running. The concept of “Too much too soon” is a real risky thing.

As you may know, I got sick, at crucial times, more times than I would’ve liked last season. Other than the fact that there were generally more colds and viruses out in the world than there had been in the last couple years, one theory was that my immune system might’ve been a bit more worn down going into the race season. My theory is that last season I didn’t stick to a 3 weeks “on” 1 week “off” approach, but rather let things flow naturally with how training made sense with my life. This meant fewer 3-1, a number of 4-1, and one 5 ½-1.  While I was undoubtedly getting fitter and felt like I was recovering, it might not have been enough recovery to let the immune system rebound fully each training block. So this year I’m going back to the 3-1, which happens to work quite nicely with my life calendar, and taking a more conservative approach in that sense. The overall training volume won’t look much different, but hopefully having more frequent easy weeks will encourage better recovery and help keep my immune system running well so that I stay healthy throughout the competition season. 

Now for the fun news!

I am launching Team Butts Coaching!! A simple, effective online coaching platform to help make your best, even better! Having been an athlete my entire life, a professional for many years and studying sports science and behavioral science, sports performance is a true passion of mine!

Over the course of my life there have been a few things that have become evident when looking at sports performance. 

  1. To make the most of your training journey, you need a coach.

  2. Generic training plans produce generic results.

  3. Individual and personalized plans produce the best results

First off,  if you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of yourself, you need a coach. Two, there are a lot of online coaching platforms out there that spit out generic training plans based on this and that algorithm or a single conversation or a few emails.  None that I’ve experienced have felt even remotely close to having a personal coach. 

Here’s my goal… I will bring you quality, personalized online coaching, specifically designed to help you achieve your goals! Whether there’s a ski, bike, run or triathlon race or maybe you just want to get in better shape, I am here to help you! It’s my goal to bring to you an affordable, integrative option where you don’t get nickeled and dimed for each email or text when you have a question, but rather be a resource to help you along your journey and reach your goals. 

Not to mention, as an additional bonus, you will have the opportunity to receive benefits from some of my sponsors as well by offering you some of the best products and services directly to you for a fraction of the cost.

In other words, a win-win relationship! 

If you know of anybody that might be interested, please share this with them, and if you might be interested yourself, contact me today, so we can start working toward your goals together. 

What you'll get from me:

  • Individual assessment and goal planning

  • Daily training planning.

  • Regular availability for conversing.

  • Video analyses for technique. (when applicable)

  • Provide you with a FREE training log.

  • Training log analyses.

  • Discounts on product and/ or services from many of my sponsors and partners.

I’m super excited about this new journey and being able to further pursue another passion of mine while getting to help others pursue theirs! 

Next on tap, I’ve got a training block in Anchorage, as I’m still building base and getting back into full dryland mode since there is no more skiing to be had.  Then I’ll head back to CO in June to spend time with friends and family, work, and get in a hardy altitude block of training.

Until next time,

Garrett Butts

P.S. My team APU is doing our biggest fundraiser of the year and it ends Saturday! If you would like to help out a fantastic organization click the link below.



"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

"Conceive, believe, achieve."

"Gotta do what you gotta do to get to where you want to be."

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